28 November 2018
Lichfields’ offices, 14 Regent’s Wharf, All Saints Street, London N1 9RL
We are holding another Membership Application Training Event (from 6.00 – 8.30 pm) the main aim of which is to assist people in upgrading their membership from either Affiliate/Associate to Full membership.
There will be a presentation from Kate Kendall, IHBC Education, Training & Standards Liaison Officer followed by small group discussions.
Kate Kendall said: ‘These events are a great way for prospective applicants to find out how to understand their skills, knowledge and experience in the context of IHBC membership criteria and accreditation. And all this is free too, offered to anyone interested in IHBC membership as part of the IHBC’s charitable support for the care of the built and historic environment.’
To book your FREE place please email Kate Kendall LETS@ihbc.org.uk
Find out more at https://mate.ihbc.org.uk/