Category Archives: IHBC Area of competence – All

South West Branch – Recognising Significance in 20th Century Buildings

17 May 2019

A one-day event with the IHBC SW Branch AGM included:

Morning presentations to including:

  • Historic England
  • 20th Century Society and
  • Elanin Harwood on her new book ‘Art Deco Britain’. Afternoon presentations on 20th Century Bournemouth.
  • Lunch and tour of Bournemouth in the afternoon.


Event programme

9.30 – 9.45      Arrival and coffee
9.45 -10.00     Welcome from the chairman of the IHBC South West Committee
10.00-10.40    Samantha Barnes, Historic England: Listing in the South-West
10.40-11.20    Grace Etherington and Claire Price: 20th century society
11.20-11.40    Tea/ Coffee break
11.40-12.20    Elaine Harwood, Historic England: Art Deco Britain
12.20-12.45    Questions and discussion
12.45-13.30    Lunch
13.30-14.20     IHBC SW AGM (IHBC members only)
14.20-15.00     James Weir, Local Historian 20th century buildings of Bournemouth
15.00-15.30     Ruth Povey, Planning Officer, Bournemouth Borough Council;                                           Guided walking tour of C20th heritage in the heart of the town centre
15.30-16.00    Tour of the Echo building – Grade II listed Art Deco former offices,                       press and production building
16.00-16.30    Opportunity for coffee (own expense)

Book your ticket here

The Conservation of Industrial Archaeology

15 March 2019


The AGM and all day conference, Mills & Booms, will take place on Friday 15th March 2019 at the Museum of London, Docklands. The conference theme will be The Conservation of Industrial Archaeology, Buildings and Sites in Industrial Use.

What is industrial archaeology? How has it developed historically, and what special concerns does its conservation present? How should we deal with buildings and equipment deprived of their original functions or artefacts that are parts of more complex wholes? How do we manage contaminated sites? How do we conserve on sites where industrial production continues? And what might the future hold, as the planet becomes ever more industrialised? Through exemplary case studies we will consider such challenges and discuss some of the responses: “conserve as found”, adaptive reuse, recording and interpretation… Come to ASCHB2019 and join in the debate! Download the booking form here

Further details and bookings here

The Phoenix Renewed: Sustainability of Post-War Churches and Cathedrals

18 – 19 March 2019
Coventry Cathedral

Coventry Cathedral epitomised the spirit of the age and captured the attention of the nation when it was consecrated in 1962, but almost 60 years later it faces some significant conservation challenges. Many of these will be familiar to those who are involved and interested in post-war churches. As Coventry looks towards hosting the UK City of Culture celebrations in 2021, solutions and opportunities to address these challenges are brought into sharp focus.

Set within Spence’s masterpiece of mid-twentieth century art and architecture, this international conference will discuss themes of significance and change, materials technology and conservation, and consider the management of collections and interiors designed in tandem with the buildings.  Over two days, experts from The Getty Foundation, Historic England, C20 Society, Church of England as well as a range of practitioners will present the latest best practice and lead panel debates. A highlight will be the gala dinner in the Cathedral on the evening of 18 March.

Save the date: bookings can be found here

IHBC at The Scottish Listed Property Show


26 Oct 2019

IHBC will be at the Scottish Listed Property Owners Club (LPOC) Show – come and visit our stand.


If you are maintaining, altering or renovating your listed home – or even looking to buy one – The Scottish Listed Property Show is not to be missed!

Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh
Saturday 26 October 2019
9am – 5pm

For more information follow the IHBC NewsBlogs

Visit the IHBC Stand at the 50th Anniversary of Cambridge Central Conservation Area


27 February 2019

The IHBC is delighted to host a stand as we help the council and local communities celebrate the 50th anniversary of Conservation Areas on Wednesday 27th February, at The Guildhall as Cambridge city centre looks back to its designation back in 1969.

Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Joint Director, Stephen Kelly invites you to please join us to look back over that time – and forward in the context of Cambridge’ growth, with the help of displays and presentations including:

  • The Cambridge Collection
  • Cambridge Past Present & Future
  • Local Architects
  • Local Artists

Hear about recent archaeological work in Cambridge from the County Archaeologist. Get Historic England’s perspective from the outgoing Regional Director and from Duncan Wilson, the Chief Executive. Take the opportunity to hear from Civic Voice, Executive Director – Ian Harvey and the Historic Towns & Villages Forum’s Chair – Steven Bee about the continuing importance of conservation areas.

1-5pm open to all – stalls/displays/talks and, 6pm by invitation – informal reception. Speakers, panel, drinks, buffet.

Large & Small Halls, The Guildhall, Market Hill, Cambridge CB2 3QJ

DOWNLOAD the flyer

RSVP to by 18th February.

For more information see and