17 May 2019
A one-day event with the IHBC SW Branch AGM included:
Morning presentations to including:
- Historic England
- 20th Century Society and
- Elanin Harwood on her new book ‘Art Deco Britain’. Afternoon presentations on 20th Century Bournemouth.
- Lunch and tour of Bournemouth in the afternoon.
Event programme
9.30 – 9.45 Arrival and coffee
9.45 -10.00 Welcome from the chairman of the IHBC South West Committee
10.00-10.40 Samantha Barnes, Historic England: Listing in the South-West
10.40-11.20 Grace Etherington and Claire Price: 20th century society
11.20-11.40 Tea/ Coffee break
11.40-12.20 Elaine Harwood, Historic England: Art Deco Britain
12.20-12.45 Questions and discussion
12.45-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.20 IHBC SW AGM (IHBC members only)
14.20-15.00 James Weir, Local Historian 20th century buildings of Bournemouth
15.00-15.30 Ruth Povey, Planning Officer, Bournemouth Borough Council; Guided walking tour of C20th heritage in the heart of the town centre
15.30-16.00 Tour of the Echo building – Grade II listed Art Deco former offices, press and production building
16.00-16.30 Opportunity for coffee (own expense)
Book your ticket here