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RIBA – Conservation Register 2024

28 February 2024 - 14:00 - 16:30

£80 – £100

Are you looking to submit your Conservation Register application in 2024?
Do you need essential guidance for the application process?
Are you unsure which level to apply for?

Applying for the conservation register can be a daunting task, and this webinar aims to address some of the complexities of putting together an application. This course is primarily aimed at (but not exclusive to) Architects who have or who are close to achieving:

  • Minimum 5 years work in heritage/in historic buildings.
  • Minimum 4 dossiers to use as part of the application process.
  • Minimum 5 years CPD (12 hours per year).

Whether you are applying for Conservation Architect (CA) or Specialist Conservation Architect (SCA), this webinar will provide you with all the details required in making your application, covering in detail the following topics:

Session 1: Criteria for application to the Conservation Register

  • Understanding conservation: Do I have enough experience and which of the accreditation levels are most appropriate for me?
  • Advice on which courses and CPD modules can supplement your application.
  • How to include reference to the ICOMOS Guidelines in written dossiers.
  • Discussions around what type of projects would be suitable to be used as dossiers.
  • How to implement skills from the Skills matrix into dossiers.
  • Advice on Background reading and further CPD.

Session 2: Application documents

  • The assessment process: what to expect and what is required.
  • Things to consider when putting together your detailed CV.
  • Writing the dossiers: Hints, tips and guidance.
  • CPD requirements – how to present your CPD hours.

Session 3: Interactive Q&A

  • Opportunity to ask Janie and Ryan questions about the application process/ specific queries.

For general enquires pertaining to  the conservation register, please refer to the conservation handbook which can be found here.


Janie Price, Kennedy O’Callaghan Architects
Janie is one of the course tutors on the four-day RIBA Conservation Course and the two-day Advanced Conservation Course. She has been an assessor for the RIBA Conservation Register since 2010 and is also an assessor for CARE (Conservation Accredited Engineers). She has been accredited with AABC since 2007 and as RIBA SCA since its inception in 2010.
She is a partner at Kennedy O’Callaghan Architects where her roles include conservation architect for Bletchley Park and the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust. Her work includes gazetteers, heritage statements, conservation management plans, impact assessments, heritage design guidance and full architectural service. Her projects range from medieval farmhouses to palaces and entire conservation areas.

Ryan Smith, RIBA Specialist Registrar
Ryan is the RIBA’s Specialist Registrar. He is looking after the Conservation Register and is involved in various RIBA conservation initiatives, including the Client Adviser Register. Ryan is your point of contact if you want to apply for the register and he will check the eligibility of your application before it is passed on to assessors. Ryan will be available to answer any questions related to eligibility and the application process, during the Q&A session.


28 February 2024
14:00 - 16:30
£80 – £100
Event Category:


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